Donation Information
Camp Ellie Mae operates entirely on donations.
We appreciate your generosity!

Camp Ellie Mae is a (501C-3) non-profit organization,
and is free of charge for all campers. We operate entirely
on donations and our staff is comprised of 100% volunteers.
All donations go directly to benefit the campers, and may be tax-deductible (consult your tax adviser). There are a few different
ways that you can give to CEM:
1. Cash, Check, Credit or Debit
You can donate by check (please email us for our address),
credit or debit card, or through PayPal by clicking on the button
on the top of this page.
2. Clothing
Another way to give to Camp Ellie Mae is to donate slightly used clothing items to our boutique. Each year at camp, we take our donated goods, and create a boutique. The girls get the chance
to go through the racks and do some “back to school shopping,”
right at camp, and all free of charge. If you or someone you
know has clothing, shoes, purses, or accessories that are in good condition, from girls size 8/10 all the way up to adult XL,
please email us at
We appreciate any and all donations you are able to send
our way! ​God's grace and your generosity are what allows
Camp Ellie Mae to operate year after year at no charge
for our precious campers.
Thank you!​